Givers of GovCon
Tune in as WashingtonExec highlights the philanthropic efforts in and around the government contracting community. We speak with leading executives in GovCon about how they, or their companies, are giving back to the community and supporting meaningful organizations.
Givers of GovCon
Givers of GovCon: Dun & Bradstreet's Tim Solms and the Veterans Airlift Command
In this episode of Givers of GovCon, we sit down with Tim Solms, general manager of government solutions at Dun & Bradstreet, as he shares why he flies for the Veterans Airlift Command. The organization provides free air transportation to post 9/11 combat wounded veterans and their families for medical and other purposes through a national network of volunteer aircraft owners and pilots. Solms, a former Army pilot, shares the personal story and passion behind his involvement.