Givers of GovCon
Tune in as WashingtonExec highlights the philanthropic efforts in and around the government contracting community. We speak with leading executives in GovCon about how they, or their companies, are giving back to the community and supporting meaningful organizations.
Givers of GovCon
Givers of GovCon: For Red Hat's David Egts, 'Creating Environments Where People Have a Seat at the Table That are Different from Me is Really Important'
Season 1
Episode 12
In this episode of "Givers of GovCon," Camille Tuutti chats with David Egts, chief technologist for public sector at Red Hat, about the scholarship program he and his wife founded for young women pursuing computer science degrees. Egts also shares why it's important to support women in tech, the biggest challenge for young men and women alike in this industry, and how he helped cultivate his daughter Lauren's passion and interest for technology.